PhotoMarks - Batch Watermark Photos v.1.0 Fully-featured solution for visually watermarking your copyrighted images in batch mode.
Web Photos v.1.3 Create web/CD-based photo albums/image libraries.
Bandicoot, organizing tools v.686.1 Bandicoot is a collections of organizing tools.These tools are CLI oriented to do batch organizing.
#Simplest way to organize photos on mac for mac os
Funtastic Photos for Mac OS v.1.0.9 A non-permanent and easily reversible photo editor, with over 50 simple to use 1-Click Styles, Advanced Effects engine, direct sharing via Fun Cards, Cell Phone (inc.
Search, download, manage, and buy all in one. Adobe Stock Photos provides quick access to over one million royalty-free images from 24 of the worlds top collections.
Adobe Stock Photos v.1.5 This update enables Adobe Bridge CS3 users to access the Adobe Stock Photos service.
The app helps in recovering precious disk space and keeps your photo gallery organized.
Duplicate Photos Fixer v.1.7 Systweak Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro is a smart solution to find, compare, and delete identical and similar-looking pictures in just a couple of clicks.
Systweak Duplicate Photos Fixer Pro (Mac) v.1.8.1 Deletes duplicate photos and videos and organizes your Mac library.
Sync Photos to Storage (Mac) v.1.1 Sync Photos to Storage - the simplest way to move your photos from iPad/iPhone to computer.Save all new photos and videos from your Camera Roll to any computer in just one tap! No iTunes or cable connection is required, only the free client app!.
Photon for Mac OS v.1.1.5 Designed for both professional photographers and advanced photography enthusiasts, Photon is a high-performance digital photo workflow application that makes it easy to review and organize large numbers of photos.